Speaker’s Office


A word from the Speaker of Council

The council of Mbizana local municipality has more than just a year now after its establishment following the local Government Elections of August 2016. It comprises of 62 councillors and 12 traditional councillors .

The participation of the councillors in council business is positive and this makes the council fully functional. In addition to this, the council upholds the belief that in order to be more accountable there must be participation of communities in whatever it does.

To this end the structure of ward committees has been established in all 31 wards of Mbizana Local Municipality. This is the structure that is close to the people and help in influencing the government/municipal development agenda.

Operation Masiphathisane has been rolled out and war rooms have been established in order to ensure that there is a platform for ordinary people to have their problems resolved at ward level. Here government officials representing different service providers, ward councillors and CDW meet and resolve service delivery problems at ward level.

We are proud to say that all wards of Mbizana have war rooms that are established but because of minor challenges, they are not all functional. We are certain though that 80% of the war rooms are fully functional and working to the interest and benefit of the communities.

This kind of approach to service delivery will go a long way towards addressing service delivery problems and help improve lives ordinary people