Corporate Services

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In this department there are the following sections with their respective heads:

  1. Information and Communication Technology – Ms N Ntlanga
  2. Human Resources      – Miss N Mshweshwe
  3. Admin Support and Auxiliary – Miss N Rabie

Mandate of the Department

  • Review organizational structure;
  • Implement the Equity Development Plan;
  • Develop and implement Performance Assessments ;
  • Build capacity of Councilors municipals delivery programmes
  • To ensure alignment of organogram  with the assigned powers and functions;
  • Job evaluation;
  • To ensure the municipality has updated policies;
  • Provision of ICT support and services;
  • Improved  systems and infrastructure;
  • EAP;
  • Execution of disciplinary and bargaining processes;

Contact Person:

Mr Simbonile Madikizela

Corporate Services Secretary


Tel      : (039) 251 0230 ext 290

Fax      : (039) 251 0866

Email  :
